Monday, September 16, 2013

Easter Dress

My daughters obsession with turquoise has been going on for a while.  Back before Easter I began making a YELLOW dress. This yellow dress was supposed to be my daughters Easter dress to wear on Easter Sunday.  She saw me working on it one night and explained to me that yellow did not remind her of spring.  The yellow I had chose was bright and vibrant like a dandelion.  I loved it but clearly she did not.  So I asked her what her idea was and she said something pastel.  Ok, well what color of pastel?  Turquoise... and here is what we came up with.  I never got pictures back at Easter so I had her put it on so we could document our Easter creation.

1 comment:

  1. Love both the dresses cheer! You amaze me. Both are unique and so pretty. Lucky little girl. It was so good to talk to you. Miss you!!
