Friday, January 14, 2011


I have been doing real simple projects lately. These here are for a good cause. I have been coordinating a service night for our Relief Society ladies(church group). This is one of the projects we will be making. Pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer. I have been looking at this fabric every time I hit Eddies Quilting Bee. I love it! I Love the bright colors and characters, of course, how can you not like Dr. Seuss. When we pin-pointed the pillowcases as one of our service projects,I new right then that I would be using this fabric. So here are two I will be donating.


  1. I love the one with blac/white stripes. Super cute and what a great thing for you guys to do. :)

  2. Darling! Those pillowcases will totally brighten a little kids stay in the hospital!

  3. I am loving the material for these pillowcases! They are sure to make some little kid smile!
