Monday, December 20, 2010

Game Day

So I was planning on making these for my kids for Christmas. But then we decided to go to the bowl game in Vegas to cheer for our team. So now the kids will get to open these the morning of the game. I used this pattern found at Heidi and Finn modern wears for kids. But for the sake of time I left out the extra work of the buttons.

This red one is for our daughter. I just love the knits I found for the lining on all three of these

This black one with the zig-zag lining is for our oldest son.

This charcoal grey is for our youngest boy 18m. I am so pleased with how all three turned out and cannot wait to see the kids cheering in them on game day.


  1. Love how they turned out Cheer! The material is so cute too! I want to see pics of them on.
